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小学英语作文写事 篇一

My Weekend

I like weekends,because I have no classes on the the weekend I usually play football in the park with my times I go hiking with my father and weather report says it's going to rain this weekend,so I have to stay at home and read books.

小学英语作文写事 篇二

My winter holiday

My winter holiday was very that day i got back to my native hometown,cousins and cousines took me to skiing skill isn't good,got down for 15 times,they laughed at me behind,i can't help smiling, day of Spring Festival was the most happiness day,we had meal for the first,a table of delicious food,that made me so we played the childrens waving the lightening ticket while watching the adults playing the was so beautiful!Like the stars rainning down the the end,it was time to get the red were very exciting,and times,we also went shopping and bought something we like. Winter holiday life was really wonderful!

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